Legacy Planning

Design your Estate Plan

Mr. and Mrs. Chan's total assets worth around HK$30 million with HK$12 million as their family business. They want their children can receive an equal share of their estate. They also want this decision will not affect their retirement life quality.

* The protection amout varies from product to product based on a given premium amount, and the premium amount is based on the insured’s gender, age, smoking habit, face amount and underwriting considerations.


When a person pass away, their assets may be frozen until the cout order authorizing a person to administer the Deceased's estates in accordance with the law. It is a very time-consuming procedure.

Benefit of separated Estate and Retirement Fund:

  • Ensure retirement savings will not be affected
  • No worries in spenting the wealth you wish to pass on
  • Estate benefit can be increased by using insurance plan
  • Transfer of family business and assets

Transfer of family business and assets

Illiquid assets are usually hard to be passed equaully to your loved ones. Life insurnace is the solution because it helps to create more liquid assets, giving more control over your estate's distribution.  In addition, guaranteed claims will help your loved ones cope with financial stress in a very short period of time. 

If you need advice or professional insurance analysis product inquiries, please contact our financial advisors.